Watertown Unified School District Strategic Plan

The Watertown Unified School District began the process of updating it Strategic Plan in April 2024. With the support of the WUSD Board of Education, the district’s Administrative Team, in partnership with the Donovan Group, coordinated a series of focus groups and workgroup sessions to gain insight from the community regarding the future of Watertown’s public-school system.

Throughout this community meeting process, goals and priorities were identified through a number of team-building activities which ultimately led to the collective drafting of new Mission and Vision statements for the district, that were further refined by the Board of Education's Planning Committee on Aug. 12.

The Board of Education reviewed the draft Strategic Plan at its meeting on Monday, Aug. 26. No additional changes were proposed at this meeting regarding the draft Mission and Vision statements, Core Values or Priority Directions. The board directed the administration and Donovan Group to begin developing the goals of the new Strategic Plan for review at a future meeting.

The WUSD Strategic Planning Workgroup is a dedicated volunteer group of interested citizens, community leaders, district staff, students and parents that met four times during the months of June and July to chart the course for the district’s future.

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The Strategic Planning Workgroup in the Headlines!

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Strategic Plan

Our Guiding Principles

Core Principals