Parent/Teacher Conferences

WHS will be holding in-person parent teacher conferences on Thursday, October 21. Parents must register via Skyward to make an appointment for conferences. If you wish to have a virtual conference, please register for a timeslot and contact the teacher to arrange the virtual conference. Directions on how to register for conferences are linked here. As always, WHS families are welcome to communicate with WHS teachers at any time to discuss progress in their student’s courses. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment with the Student Services Staff on Thursday, October 21, please click on their calendar link below:
Bethanie Frommgen, school counselor (last names starting with A-He):
Erikka Olson, school counselor (last names starting with Hi-Ph):
Matthew Dunn, school counselor (last names starting with Pi-Z):
Liam Champeau, school psychologist:
Emily Orabutt, school social worker: