Parent Update

Greetings WHS families,

After an exciting week of 2021 WHS Homecoming events we look forward to turning the calendar to the month of October.  Please review the information below for important updates.  


Josh Kerr, Principal Watertown High School

Student Symptom Checker Reminder

  • Per the 2021-22 WUSD Safety Plan Symptom Checker please be sure that if your student is exhibiting COVID like symptoms to keep them home.  The WUSD Key Safety Protocols and the WUSD Safety Plan are included in this document. The WUSD Covid-19 Dashboard can be accessed using this link.

WHS Parent Teacher Conferences

  • WHS Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 21st from 4-7pm.  Please note the format will include a virtual and in-person option but all parents or guardians must register for a time slot in advance.  An email will be sent when conference registration opens.  As always, WHS families are welcome to communicate with WHS teachers at any time to discuss progress in their student’s courses.  

Student Picture Proofs

  • Families who would like to purchase student pictures, should have their student stop in the Main Office to pick up a picture proof.

College and Career Planning Night 

  • Watertown High School will host a College and Career Planning Night on Monday, October 4th, 5:45pm-8:00pm. College and Career Planning Night includes informative presentations on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid(FAFSA), University of Wisconsin Schools, UW-Whitewater and UW-Whitewater at Rock County,  Madison College and Wisconsin Technical Colleges, Wisconsin Private Colleges, Military Options, and Apprenticeships. Seniors, Juniors and their parents should plan to attend.  More information regarding session descriptions and detailed schedules are available using this link. Please be aware that due to WUSD safety protocols, all visitors will be subject to temperature checks and visual symptom checker upon entering the building.

YRBS Survey 

  • Watertown High School will be taking part in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) sponsored by the Department of Public Instruction this fall. The YRBS is designed to determine the prevalence of health behaviors now and over time, examine the co-occurrence of health behaviors, create usable data sets, and monitor progress through the use of objectives and indicators. These surveys are typically conducted every two years although the schedule has been interrupted the last two years. All student responses to the survey are confidential and no information is provided in a personally identifiable way. If you would prefer your child not participate in the YRBS, please return this form to Jessica Scherer, Associate Principal.

School Climate Survey

  • WHS is participating in an ongoing project to better understand school safety practices in Wisconsin high schools and middle schools sponsored by the Wisconsin Office of School Safety.  On Wednesday, October 6th, all WHS students and staff will be participating in a brief online School Climate and Safety Survey during the homeroom period.  The survey is anonymous and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.  

Extended Student Absences

  • A quick reminder to families that students who are absent for extended periods of time should access each course’s online platform by going to the WHS website and selecting Trimester 1 Class Platforms.  Contact information for each teacher is also listed on the document and students should reach out to their teacher if there are any issues accessing course resources and/or daily plans.  Please note it is expected that students who are absent due to a quarantine continue to participate in their courses as posted on each course’s online  platform.  Please use the links above or contact teachers directly with any questions to help support your student during this challenging time.  WHS staff is working hard to support all students!   

  • Hotspots may be requested by a parent/guardian for their child's school use if scheduled to work from homes without internet service using this link.  If a hotspot is needed, WUSD staff  will contact you with date, time, and location when the device becomes available. A parent/guardian must pick up the hotspot.  Please note that hotspot bandwidth usage is monitored.  Students who are quarantined and are in need of a Chromebook should contact Kathy Klinger at