For Students

You will find links to all of your curriculum login spots here.

SchoolsPLP – with over 500 course titles available PK-12, SchoolsPLP provides a great breadth of opportunities for our students.

WEN– Hundreds of Grade 3 through 12 course titles are available through Wisconsin eSchool Network. This link takes you to the Genius Student Information System, which provides a jumping off point for courses offered through this provider.

Direct Link to SchoolsPLP Buzz Interface
eCampus 9-12 graders taking online courses through Buzz may login directly from this link, but we encourage using the above WEN link. (Same Login as Genius SIS)

This is Aleks, which is our primary math curriculum for Grade 3 through 12 mathematics courses.

Your school email portal for your email access. All course correspondence is tied to this account.

Google Drive
Google drive for sharing and storing files for coursework.

Clever Login
Access apps like Freckle, Dreambox, Rosetta Stone, Epic, Achieve 3000 and others